
Did you know that Nutcracker On Ice helps 100s of St. Louis area families every year with our food drive?

We collect food from our cast, our audience and our synchro teams and two years ago we donated 2,745 pounds of food to Operation Food Search!  Last year due to COVID, we were only able to collect funds, so this year we are bringing back the food collection! 

To make it fun, we will have a little contest for our cast at dress rehearsal on Tuesday (12/05/23) and Friday (12/08/2023).

The group that brings the highest tallied point value of donations per skater to Friday’s rehearsal wins TBD.  

  • Why are we using a point system? We are using a point system which places higher value on items in more demand in lieu of total cans (summary below, full details attached):

    • 1pt = dry goods like pasta, rice and beans

    • 2pts = canned fruit/veggies, condiments, and toothbrushes

    • 3pts = canned meat/fish, canned soup/pasta meals, pasta meals (like Mac & Cheese), complete pancake mix, peanut butter, toothpaste, and deodorant

    • 4 pts =  non-sugary dry cereal, toilet paper and laundry detergent

  • Why is it point value per skater instead of total?  Some of our groups have significantly fewer skaters.  By structuring the contest “per skater” it encourages every group to participate so we collect the most for families in need.

What you need to do to participate:  

Tuesday (12/05/2023) and/or Friday (12/08/2023) – bring your food donations (no ramen or glass can be accepted) to the dress rehearsal and place it at the designated spot for your group.   Please see the attachments for more information on the Most Wanted Food Items and Items not accepted. 

Thank you for your generous support.  

Please contact Maura McNamara at mauracmcnamara@gmail.com or 314-320-5477 with any questions.

Food Drive Tally Sheet – details on the point system 

Most Wanted Food Drive Items

Items Not Accepted 

Operation Food Search Mission